Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 10 Reasons why Running is Better than Swimming

  1. It’s hard to run in the water
  2. You don’t have to wear Speedo’s
  3. You feel like you are going somewhere
  4. It’s hard to drown while running (unless, maybe, you’re in a serious downpour)
  5. You don’t have to make one of those flip turns every time you want to turn around.
  6. You can breathe
  7. You can run farther in a shorter amount of time.
  8. You’re swallowing water because you want to.
  9. You can see where you are going
  10. Goggles are optional
  11. In swimming, if you hit the wall, you'll drown.
I gave you 10 of the best, you give me the rest.
This is just the beginning. Let your mind wander.

Top 10 Lists #2
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