Thursday, August 15, 2013

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events are organized into 3 categories based on Color:

  1. Events in Blue are events that are organized by Blue Hedgehog Productions, the parent company of Christian Runners Forum
  2. Events in Green are events that are events that are recommended or organized by our Christian Runners Forum family. 
  3. Events in Red are events that are Christian friendly and again are recommended by our Christian Runners Forum family.
Events are organized in the following categories. To go to these categories, go to the Tab link or click on the words below:
  1. Triathlons/Duathlons
  2. Bike Races
  3. Extreme Races
  4. Running Races, with a Marathon/Half Marathon sub tab
If you would like to post or advertise a race, either e-mail your information to or fill out the form on the Post a Race tab.
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