Sunday, August 25, 2013

Top 10 Strange Things Seen at a Race

So, what have you seen at a race. There are a wide array of experiences that I have had since I began running seriously. Probably one of the oddest scenes that I saw was when I saw more people going behind the porta potties than there were in the porta potties. Runners are 'strange birds', to say the least. What have you seen?   
  1. A man running a marathon in clogs
  2. Barefoot runners
  3. A woman runner who is very pregnant
  4. A man in a Batman suit, lying overheated by the side of the road
  5. A man running a marathon in jeans
  6. A soldier running in combat boots
  7. A family dressed as aliens
  8. Men and women peeing anywhere they could, before a race (there were no port-a-pots)
  9. Man running in a diaper
  10. Man running in a pink tutu
  11. A bride and groom running (not from each other)
I gave you some of the best, you give me the rest.
This is just the beginning. Let your mind wander.

Top 10 List #9
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