Monday, August 26, 2013

Top Phrases You Hate to Hear as a Runner

  1. ‘Did you go jog today?’
  2. ‘Cute shorts’
  3. ‘It’s broken’
  4. ‘I think he’s dehydrated’ (Heard from somewhere by someone at the end of a race)
  5. ‘You don’t have any hair on your legs’ (spoken to a man)
  6. ‘You just got beat by a 70 year old’
  7. ‘Keep moving’ (after you’ve run a marathon)
  8. ‘You missed the turn and ran an extra mile’ (during a race)
  9. ‘You just got beat by a man in a tutu’
  10. ‘You just got beat by a 10 year old’
I gave you 10 of the best, you give me the rest.
This is just the beginning. Let your mind wander.

Top 10 Lists #1
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