Support CRF

There are various ways that you can support Christian Runners Forum:

  1. Support Christian Runners Forum financially. Though Christian Runners Forum is currently not a non-profit organization (it will be), you can still support CRF with a small financial gift. Just consider it a candy bar that you didn't buy. Funds will be used to support CRF and provide free entry fees to people in need for Blue Hedgehog races.
  2. Donate your old running shoes. At all Blue Hedgehog Races, you can get a discount to your entry fee by bringing a pair or pairs of your old running shoes. These shoes will be distributed to Haitian youth through the non-profit organization Schools 4 Haiti. For more information on Schools 4 Haiti, go to
  3. Buy items from our CRF store. As you are thinking about the holidays, don't forget out store. Not only are there items for training, but there are books and other items of inspiration for spiritual training as well.
For more information on Christian Runners Forum, Blue Hedgehog Productions and Schools 4 Haiti, contact  Karen at or at 309-530-7505.