- Ryan Hall: The Faith Interview by Stephen Pyle (Running Times, March 29, 2010)
- The Power and the Glory by Michael Perry (Runner's World, July 23, 2008)
- A Male Runners View on Shaving Your Legs by Kent Robson (Christian Runners Forum, August 26, 2013)
- Champion Marathoner Talks about Running and Faith (Spectrum Magazine, May 30, 2013)
- Running Rachel, about a blogging mom to three little boys. She shares her adventures as she runs to keep her sanity and her faith.
- Distance Discipline, is a Christian Distance Running Blog about distance running and gear from the view of a Christian.
- Christian Runners, is an organization that develops running groups in the USA and Canada.
- Running Life, by Melanie Spring, it's theme is to Inspire Hope
- Runner with a Higher Purpose, Christian insights on how to persevere through the trials of life.
- It's All Grace, We need Christian Runners
- Runner for Christ, Struggles, Thoughts and Triumphs as I CROSSED the FINISH LINE!
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