Thursday, August 15, 2013

Christian Runners

Christian Runners are Articles and Sites by Christian Runners. Current items of interest are:


  1. Ryan Hall: The Faith Interview by Stephen Pyle (Running Times, March 29, 2010)
  2. The Power and the Glory by Michael Perry (Runner's World, July 23, 2008)
  3. A Male Runners View on Shaving Your Legs by Kent Robson (Christian Runners Forum, August 26, 2013) 
  4. Champion Marathoner Talks about Running and Faith (Spectrum Magazine, May 30, 2013)

  1. Running Rachelabout a blogging mom to three little boys. She shares her adventures as she runs to keep her sanity and her faith. 
  2. Distance Discipline, is a Christian Distance Running Blog about distance running and gear from the view of a Christian.
  3. Christian Runners, is an organization that develops running groups in the USA and Canada. 
  4. Running Life, by Melanie Spring, it's theme is to Inspire Hope
  5. Runner with a Higher Purpose, Christian insights on how to persevere through the trials of life.
  6. It's All Grace, We need Christian Runners
  7. Runner for Christ, Struggles, Thoughts and Triumphs as I CROSSED the FINISH LINE!

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